Fermata Ballet Collective, Inc.
1005 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401
541-515-7769 (call or text)
Fermata Ballet Collective is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization headquartered in Eugene, OR
Thank you to the following people and organizations:
The Fermata Ballet Collective Board of Directors
Fermata Ballet Collective Resident Artists
Studio support: flex Studios, Platform360, Xcape Dance Academy, Midtown Arts Center, Eugene Ballet
2024 Season Support: Chambers Family Foundation, Very Little Theatre, Minority Voices Theatre, Platform360, flex Studios, Midtown Arts Center, Eugene Ballet , Xcape Dance Academy, Market of Choice, High Street Tonics, Confetti Crown, Foxden Crew, Friendly Street Market, Founded Vintage, Ghosttown Outfitters, Safeway, US Food Chef’s Store
YOU! Contributions are deeply appreciated: Donations can be accepted via Zeffy (link below), cash, or check